Monday, October 22, 2007

This/Last Week's Assignment #3

This went out in an e-mail last week, but I wanted to post it here also.

Making a podcast for your blog. Record some audio with your recorder.
We will edit the audio and make the podcast in class next week.
So what should your podcast be? You could write a long post
and then read it.
You may find you make a few recordings of
yourself saying the same thing, because you don't

like how you sound, you make mistakes, etc. You could
be a bit more creative and combine
you talking with some
other sounds related to your topic. You could do a brief discussion

with someone else that is topic-related. (Last semester,
one student did weekly podcasts of
him and a friend discussing the
latest in baseball.)
The time length should be anywhere from 2 – 5 minutes.
You may have multiple audio files that we will combine into one audio
track for the podcast. You should have your audio file ready to
go for Tuesday Oct. 23.

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